Jesus At the Center

Ankor Kollection is a clothing brand that is fearless, trendy, and  influences a Kingdom lifestyle. Through God's word, love, and encouragement, we hope to shine light on a lifestyle that represents Him, and inspire others to follow Jesus with their whole heart.

It's not just a brand, it's a lifestyle! A lot of prayer goes into this brand. Nothing, and we truly mean nothing, is done without Jesus being involved. Every step of the way involves prayer and hearing the voice of God. We fully acknowledge that this is God's brand just as much as it is ours, if not more! We are just allowing ourselves to be used as vessels for the Kingdom!

We aspire for people to stir up a greater love and passion for God, or possibly restore an old love for the one who's always loved you unconditionally. Everything about this brand is a form of worship to Jesus, exalting His name! We want people across the globe to live their lifestyles with Jesus at the forefront, as a priority, instead of an option. Lastly, we hope to be an inspiration, to those young and old, that being successful isn't equivalent to forgetting about Jesus, but knowing that success is because of Jesus.

Founded By







Hey everyone! My name is Krystal, and I'm the Founder of Ankor Kollection. I graduated from the University of Central Florida in August 2018 with a Political Science - Prelaw degree. I'm proudly Jamaican! I love animals, fashion, nails, hairstyling, and looking cute!

I surrendered my life to Christ and got saved at the age of 19. I'm a woman of God who by no means claims to be perfect. I am simply someone who is passionate about God, and tries to surrender more of myself unto God each and everyday. I am a woman of strong faith and am typically "The Encourager" amongst people who know me because I always have a scripture that pertains to any given situation and truly enjoy uplifting others! Nothing that I do is of my own strength or skill. Everything I'm capable of is because God chose to use me, not because I deserved to be used. I'm just aiming to follow His footsteps and be more like Him!  I am nothing without Jesus and all of the glory belongs to Him!

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